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§1.1 Rotation
Three films are added into rotation for each screening, keeping the total at nine. The additions will be chosen by one member for each screening.
§1.2 Turn Order
The turn order is based on the member list. The person whose turn it is to add movies is based on the order when they joined the group.
§1.3 Missed Turns
If a person’s turn comes up but they can’t submit film for whatever reason, the turn will skip to the next person in the order. The person whose turn was skipped will get another chance when the order finishes. If they are unavailable again, the order will start over and they must wait until their turn comes up naturally.
§1.4 Chooser
The person whose turn it is to choose will select three films to add to the rotation. There are no strict criteria of what kinds of films should be selected, but some casual suggestions may be: an older film, a newer film, or an obscure film. Duplicates of previous submissions will be rejected. Nic Cage films will be rejected.
§1.5 Votes
About one week before the next scheduled screening, the list of nine films (the six survivors of the previous vote, and the three new ones) will be posted online. Each poster links to its film’s trailer. Members who plan to join the screening vote by distributing scores to each of the nine films, in order of most preferred (9) down to least preferred (1).
§1.6 Elimination
When voting is closed, the scores are tallied. The winner will be watched and removed from the running. The two films with the lowest scores will also be removed from rotation. The six survivors will be included in the next screening’s list of contenders.
§1.7 Ties
In the event of any ties, a coin will be flipped, dice will be rolled, or some other randomizing method will be used. Heads on the coin, or higher numbers on the dice, will favor the film(s) closer to the start of the alphabet.
§1.8 Endurance
If a submitted film survives nine rounds of voting, it will automatically earn its own screening. This does not count as a win within the main series. The next chooser will be allowed to submit a fourth film to the rotation to keep the total submissions at nine.
§1.9 Tenth
The choices for every tenth screening will automatically consist of the previous nine winners. Normal conditions will resume with the next screening.
Nic Cage Rules
§2.1 Rotation
Films are added into rotation for each screening, keeping the total at nine. Films are selected at random from Nic Cage's filmography, weighted toward newer releases.
§2.2 Voting
Voting functions identically to §1.5.
§2.3 Elimination
Elimination functions nearly identically to §1.6, with the additional condition that low-score eliminations will not be prohibited from returning in future rotations.
§2.4 Ties
Ties function identically to §1.7.